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ACHIEVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL TOGETHER. SOURCE: EDUCATIONAL VISION ACHIEVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL TOGETHER. SOURCE: EDUCATIONAL VISION CONTENTS EDUCATIONAL VISION OF AVANS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES GETTING STARTED AVANS GRADUATES: QUALIFIED AND FUTURE-PROOF PROFESSIONALS Qualified and vocationally oriented Future-proof The lecturers as an example for the students An involved professional field SMALL-SCALE EDUCATION WITH APPROPRIATE LEARNING PATHWAYS Learning = developing together An appropriate learning pathway for students A learning environment in which students achieve their full potential Expert lecturers: continuous development A FOCUS ON STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Study development counselling Assessment The learning process comes first | 4 | 8 | 12 | 17 | 18 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 28 | 31 | 31 | 31 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3 EDUCATIONAL VISION AVANS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES. “Avans University of Applied Sciences challenges students to achieve their full potential. We do this by focusing on the development of students. Facilitating their learning process is our key priority when making decisions. We opt for small- scale, vocationally oriented education with appropriate learning pathways. Avans University of Applied Sciences graduates have the necessary professional competencies and a learning, investigative, enterprising and responsible attitude. This gives them the confidence they need to continuously develop as a professional. Avans students can rest assured that their study programme will be future-proof, that it will fit in with the requirements of future professional fields and a with a changing society.” This educational vision describes the Avans University of Applied Sciences general perspective on how full-time education within its associate degree, bachelor’s and master’s programmes will be by 2020. The learning outcomes and learning process of students are paramount to this vision. We get the most out of our students, enabling them to achieve their full potential. Our education focuses on performance. A key element of this is a focus on the develop- ment of students. This improves the quality of our education and, in turn, the quality of our graduates. The programmes offered by Avans University of Applied Sciences are consequently always worthy of accreditation. “Just like our students, we continue to develop ourselves to our full potential.” 6 BUILDING ON A SUCCESSFUL FOUNDATION We are strengthening the lead position that Avans University of Applied Sciences has taken. With this educational vision, we are building on the course embarked on years ago. We organise small-scale education for large groups of students, to ensure that our lecturers really know their students. We encourage students to spend at least 40 hours per week actively pursuing their studies. We challenge them by offering a differentiated curriculum. Avans University of Applied Sciences is constantly searching for ways to make its education more attractive, more effective and more efficient. One of the ways we do this is by incorporating the very latest insights into the working of the adolescent brain into our education. The educational vision consists of 3 objectives: 1. To educate students as qualified and future-proof professionals 2. To offer small-scale education with appropriate educational pathways 3. To focus on the development of students READER’S GUIDE The chapter entitled ‘Getting started’ describes the specific basic principles. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 then go into the objectives in more detail. At the end of each chapter, we explain what the objective means for our lecturers. The lecturers help to implement our educational vision in practice. 7 GETTING STARTED. Each Avans University of Applied Sciences programme has its own background and unique features, and is in its own phase of development. Therefore, each pro- gramme implements the educational vision based on its own characteristics, with the basic principles of the vision serving as a guideline. This creates scope to further refine the educational vision and to translate what it means for each specific programme. The schools set out specific details of each basic principle in an action plan and describe how, where and when they will incorporate these principles into their education. 10 EDUCATIONAL VISION: THE BASIC PRINCIPLES The programme is always worthy of accreditation. CHAPTER 1: QUALIFIED AND FUTURE-PROOF PROFESSIONALS 1.1 The programme has established future-proof partnerships with the professional field. Together, these two parties are responsible for developing and implementing the education. 1.2 The learning objectives within the programme are derived from the exit qualifications of qualified and future-proof professionals. The graduates are keen to learn and have an enterprising, investigative and responsible attitude. 1.3 The programme includes units of study in which students work as part of a multidisciplinary team. 1.4 The programme integrates the profession’s international context into the curriculum. On completing the programme, students have mastered a foreign language to level B2. 1.5 Lecturers are deployed based on their strengths. They are experts in terms of teaching and subject matter content, and continuously develop themselves with a view to improving the education they provide. The lecturers have active ties with professional practice. 1.6 The current professional practice is a key element of the programme. CHAPTER 2: SMALL-SCALE EDUCATION WITH APPROPRIATE LEARNING PATHWAYS 2.1 Students and lecturers know each other within the programme. 2.2 The education is developed and implemented on the basis of the building blocks for learning. 2.3 The programme offers a differentiated curriculum. 2.4 The programme specifies how it motivates and activates students, so that they make a substantial effort. 2.5 Lecturers make use of the teaching possibilities offered by ICT to make the students’ learning process as easy as possible. 2.6 In consultation with the service units, the physical learning environment is set up in a way that promotes the students’ learning process. CHAPTER 3: A FOCUS ON STUDENT DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Study development counselling forms an integral part of the programme. 3.2 There are several points of time within each unit of study at which students gain insight into their development by means of formative and summative assessment. 3.3 The graduation programme ensures that students are able to demonstrate the competencies of a qualified and future-proof professional. Graduation therefore consists of several assessed components. 11 AVANS GRADUATES: QUALIFIED AND FUTURE-PROOF PROFESSIONALS. CHAPTER 1 During the programme our students acquire the right basic knowledge and skills in order to be qualified in the professional field on graduation. But we also demand more from our students. They must be able to think critically, to respond to unforeseen issues, and have a future-proof professional attitude. A willingness to learn and an investigative, enterprising and responsible attitude therefore form an integral part of the basic professional content. This ensures that our students graduate with a diploma that fits in with the requirements imposed by the future professional field and with a changing society. We view this as a long-term investment in both our students and in society. 14 15 Avans University of Applied Sciences tests in several ways whether the education offered via its programmes meets its high standards. First and foremost, every programme naturally complies with the accreditation require- ments, as regularly assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). Secondly, the training profiles established at national level apply to our graduates as a minimum requirement. Thirdly, each programme consults with a representa- tive from the professional field with regard to the training programme and the educational qualifications and, fourthly, Avans University of Applied Sciences strives to ensure that, for all of its programmes, at least 75% of respondents in the National Student Survey (NSE) are satisfied or very satisfied with their programme (awarding a score of 4 or 5). 16 The programme profiles, established at national level, are our education’s guiding principle. These profiles describe the knowledge and skills that graduates must have. The students acquire job-related knowledge in order to get off to a good start after graduating. During the programme students also develop professional skills and a professional attitude that boosts their chances of success in the professional field. Professional practice plays a key role in the programme from day one. This enables our undergraduates to keep abreast of developments in the professional field. Collaboration between various disciplines is increasing in professional practice. We therefore ensure that our students gain experience of working as part of a multidisciplinary team. For instance, different programmes collaborate to solve problems. Our graduates are often employed in the region; however, their knowledge is not regionally limited. After all, the professional field is faced with an increasingly global environment. A broad horizon is essential in a world in which borders are becoming blurred, hence our curriculum looks at the international context of a profession. This is what makes our graduates the qualified professionals that the professional field is calling out for. 1.1 QUALIFIED AND VOCATIONALLY ORIENTED 17 A willingness to learn Avans University of Applied Sciences graduates never stand still. They continue to develop over the course of their career. They function effectively in a changing professional field. This is all possible because the students assume a willingness to learn during their study at Avans University of Applied Sciences. They are able to find information and assess its usefulness. They think critically and give meaning to information. An emphasis is placed on ‘learning how to learn’ and ‘continuous learning’ from the very start of the programme. An investigative attitude The programme stands for the formation of an investigative attitude. In other words: our graduates are curious, take a critical view, and are analytical. This is why Avans University of Applied Sciences aims to develop its students’ ability to think reflectively and critically. One of the ways in which students learn is by carrying out practice-based studies. This type of research is prompted by the professio- nal field, and the knowledge acquired contributes directly towards the professional practice. The independent performance of research contributes towards an investigative attitude and rouses curiosity. What’s more, students learn to interpret and apply knowledge from others’ research. “Graduates are qualified professionals keen to learn and with an investigative, enterprising and responsible attitude.” 1.2 FUTURE-PROOF 18 At Avans University of Applied Sciences, we train our students to become qualified professionals with a responsible attitude. This enables students to make their own moral, ethical, and critical judgements. Our graduates are aware of the various moral and ethical views that play a role in their work and life. They are also responsible for the assessments they make. Our graduates are aware that their choices not only affect themselves and the present, but also have consequences for both the environment and future generations. They see the big picture. Our graduates reflect on their own professionalism, the developments in their profession, and how they function within society. Avans University of Applied Sciences is committed to helping its students become ‘responsible citizens’. An enterprising attitude Avans students develop an enterprising attitude. To achieve this, we offer our students the scope and options they need to actively search for opportunities to develop new initiatives. We introduce our students to the principle of entre- preneurship during the programme, and we encourage and assist enterprising students’ initiatives. By doing so, we increase the likelihood that our students will decide to become independent entrepreneurs in the future. We also encourage those who do not opt for a future as an independent entrepreneur to develop a proactive, enterprising atti- tude in which they learn to identify and seize opportunities. A responsible attitude 19 The Avans lecturers are an important success factor in the students’ development. Our lecturers inspire and motivate their students to make a substantial effort. They are aware of their exemplary role. The lecturers too have a willingness to learn and an enterprising, investigative and responsible attitude. They constantly update their teaching methods, and enhance their professional and specialist skills where necessary. They work together with colleagues to improve themselves and their teaching. Our lecturers have experience of professional practice, and create a strong link between theory and practice. They have current ties with today’s professional field. This ensures that they are up to date with the very latest developments in professional practice, and they implement new insights from the professional field in their teaching. The students also learn with professionals in the professional field. For instance, by performing research in practice, and by carrying out work placements. Learning in a practical environment strengthens the students’ links to professional practice. Every programme has therefore established future-proof partnerships with the professional field. We involve the professional field in both the development and implementation of our education. We invite lecturers, visiting lecturers and alumni to share their practical experience. Furthermore, students learn by taking part in ‘real life’ projects with professionals from the professional field. “We involve the professional field in both the development and implementation of our education.” 1.3 THE LECTURERS AS AN EXAMPLE FOR THE STUDENTS 1.4 AN INVOLVED PROFESSIONAL FIELD 21 SMALL-SCALE EDUCATION WITH APPROPRIATE LEARNING PATHWAYS. CHAPTER 2 Knowing students personally is essential in order to be able to focus on their development. After all, each student has an individual personality, background and experience. A focus on the individual is therefore a key priority within the programme, and teaching is organised on a small scale. The curriculum offers students a choice of different learning pathways. The students undergo a continuous process of development during their programme. “We know our students, which enables us to adopt a targeted approach to their development.” 24 The students become competent by integrating their acquired knowledge, skills and attitude in a professional context. Students often acquire their competencies in collaboration with others. Learning is a constructive process in which the students actively gather knowledge. Using what we know about learning, we encourage cohesion between students themselves and between students, lecturers and the professional practice. At Avans University of Applied Sciences we combine various educational approaches to enhance our students’ learning process. Avans University of Applied Sciences makes use of new insights from the field of neuropsychology, amongst other things. The stage of life at which our students find themselves make their study the ideal time to take advantage of the desired professio- nal growth. The adolescent brain is at the height of its develop- mental stage and is well equipped to adapt and reorganise. This takes place on the basis of environmental influences. All of this creates opportunities to build a strong network of compe- tencies for the students’ future career. A precondition is that students must have an active approach and be willing to make a significant effort. Recent insights from the field of educational sciences and neuropsychology have been translated into the following ‘building blocks for learning’. We use these blocks when developing the curriculum, the blocks, the subjects and the classes. Avans University of Applied Sciences continues to follow developments in educational sciences and neuropsycho- logy closely in order to translate these insights, where possible, into new or adjusted building blocks for learning. Building blocks for learning • Challenging students: at the start of their programme, our students do not always know why they are studying. Their long-term goal is often unclear. This means that it is sometimes difficult for them to be motivated and to demonstrate perseverance from day one. We therefore challenge our students to apply themselves and we motivate them to actively make an effort. We use active working methods and effective instructions. We encourage a proactive approach on the part of students. • Building: we efficiently build on existing knowledge and with it on existing and already strongly established neural connections. We devote time and attention to the linking and integration of information from previous learning activities, general knowledge and acquired skills. • Repeating: we repeat topics within the programme. We vary the manner of repetition by offering information that has previously been dealt with in different contexts. This helps the information to sink in, allows students to familiarise themselves with the information, and enables them to apply it to future situations. • Establishing a focus: we help students to establish a focus by outlining the context of what is being learned in relation to professional practice. We also limit the number of distractors in the students’ learning process believing that sometimes “less is more.” 2.1 LEARNING = DEVELOPING TOGETHER 25 • Development-oriented feedback: feedback provides the students with valuable information about where they are in their learning process and how they can develop further. We give students active feedback and discuss their development with them. We provide process-oriented feedback on the progress the students have made. This encourages them to search for new challenges, thereby developing their ability to persevere. Students use our feedback to reflect on their development. • Learning together: the students interpret information in their own way, based on their prior knowledge and experiences. Everyone stores information in their memory differently. By comparing knowledge to the views of others, students increase their knowledge and make it more objective. Our students learn both with one another and from one another. A focus on the individual is a key priority for our education. We take into account the students’ personality and ambitions. That is why we offer students scope for differentiation within the programme and within Avans University of Applied Sciences, in terms of both content and level. The education on offer gives students the chance to both broaden and deepen their knowledge. We assist students when making decisions in the context of personal development and provide support where necessary. Avans naturally stimulates the students within the curriculum, but we also encourage them to take part in extra-curricular educational activities. “Our students’ learning process is the starting point for developing and implementing education.” 2.2 AN APPROPRIATE LEARNING PATHWAY FOR STUDENTS 26 “The lecturers play a crucial role in the successful use of ICT in education.” 2.3 A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH STUDENTS ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL 2.4 EXPERT LECTURERS: CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT Lecturers use the building blocks for learning. By doing so, they make the students’ learning process more effective and more focused. They convey knowledge in various ways and fit in as closely as possible with the students’ learning process. The increase in online information means that the educational role of lecturers is becoming ever more important. We coach and train our lecturers to strengthen their educational role. Lecturers too have different backgrounds and different ambitions. We deploy lecturers based on their own strengths. They undergo continuous professional development in relation to subject content, pedagogics, assessment, ICT and research. For instance, lecturers make use of the possibilities offered by ICT for teaching purposes. They have a combination of subject matter expertise, knowledge of teaching, and ICT skills. The learning environment is the context for a variety of activities that support competency development. The virtual and the physical learning environment form an integral whole. When developing our education, we choose the learning activities carefully. The students alternate between individual and group work. The lecturers specifically select elements from virtual and physical learning environments which support the students’ learning process. Physical learning environment We provide students with a rich and safe environment in which to learn. The environment at Avans University of Applied Sciences is designed to bring students and lecturers together. Students learn from their contact with fellow students and lecturers. Our buildings facilitate the various learning activities that the students carry out. Virtual learning environment Our students have grown up with many technological developments. Within education, we use ICT as a powerful teaching and learning aid that enriches the students’ learning environment. Examples include the use of social media in education and the use of online teaching materials. 27 A FOCUS ON STUDENT DEVELOPMENT. CHAPTER 3 We challenge students to monitor their own development, with the aid of study development counselling and assessment. This provides the students with an insight into their own development, and they are able to adjust their learning activities accordingly. The students’ learning process is a key priority for Avans. 30 Study development counselling is an integral part of the curriculum as a whole. We counsel students to be successful during their study and in their career. This involves supporting the students in establishing ties, matching, study skills and making decisions. Students also learn self-management skills. For instance, they are able to take control of their personal and professional development, both during their studies and later in their career. The students learn to reflect on their own behaviour in relation to their studies and their future profession. Assessment plays a certifying role in the programme. Via assessment, students demonstrate that they have achieved a specific, required level. Moreover, assessment acts as a driving force for our students’ learning process. An assessment is a measuring tool to determine whether the students are developing their professional competencies. A professional’s list of responsibilities varies widely, which is why we assess the students during the study programme at various times, in various ways and in various contexts. All assessments in the curriculum combine to form a coherent assessment programme. The graduation programme also encompasses several assessments. The assessment programme as a whole covers the broad range of competencies that a qualified professional must have. We use assessments in a targeted and meaningful manner to promote the students’ development and to assess the level achieved. We employ both formative and summative assessments, thus actively providing students with feedback. This feedback gives students an insight into their current development and how they can develop further. The lecturers take responsibility for stimulating the students to get the best out of themselves. This is only possible if the lecturers also achieve their own full potential. Lecturers do this by keeping their teaching up to date, together with their colleagues and professionals from the professional field. Avans University of Applied Sciences provides the time to achieve this. Other staff members within the schools, research groups and service units also play an important supporting role. Facilitating the students’ learning process is our guiding principle: this remains the core aim in all decisions we make at Avans University of Applied Sciences. “Our feedback drives the learning process.” 3.1 STUDY DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLING 3.2 ASSESSMENT 3.3 THE LEARNING PROCESS COMES FIRST 31 CONTACT Centre for Learning and Innovation LIC IMPRINT Photography Bob van der Vlist Design L’eau Coordination Unit Marketing, Communication and Student Relations Printing De Bondt grafimedia communicatie iavans.nl Study development counselling is an integral part of the curriculum as a whole. We counsel students to be successful during their study and in their career. This involves supporting the students in establishing ties, matching, study skills and making decisions. Students also learn self-management skills. For instance, they are able to take control of their personal and professional development, both during their studies and later in their career. The students learn to reflect on their own behaviour in relation to their studies and their future profession. Assessment plays a certifying role in the programme. Via assessment, students demonstrate that they have achieved a specific, required level. Moreover, assessment acts as a driving force for our students’ learning process. An assessment is a measuring tool to determine whether the students are developing their professional competencies. A professional’s list of responsibilities varies widely, which is why we assess the students during the study programme at various times, in various ways and in various contexts. All assessments in the curriculum combine to form a coherent assessment programme. The graduation programme also encompasses several assessments. The assessment programme as a whole covers the broad range of competencies that a qualified professional must have. We use assessments in a targeted and meaningful manner to promote the students’ development and to assess the level achieved. We employ both formative and summative assessments, thus actively providing students with feedback. This feedback gives students an insight into their current development and how they can develop further. The lecturers take responsibility for stimulating the students to get the best out of themselves. This is only possible if the lecturers also achieve their own full potential. Lecturers do this by keeping their teaching up to date, together with their colleagues and professionals from the professional field. Avans University of Applied Sciences provides the time to achieve this. Other staff members within the schools, research groups and service units also play an important supporting role. Facilitating the students’ learning process is our guiding principle: this remains the core aim in all decisions we make at Avans University of Applied Sciences. “Our feedback drives the learning process.” 3.1 STUDY DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLING 3.2 ASSESSMENT 3.3 THE LEARNING PROCESS COMES FIRST 31
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